Hotel Sport is a perfect place for social events, conferences and business meetings.

The location of the hotel in the middle of Bohemia by the D8 motorway is suitable for organizing nationwide meetings of associations and companies.

Our hotel has two large halls for up to 250 people and another 5 lounges with a capacity of 20 – 60 people.


  • The lounges are equipped with presentation and audio technology.
  • We will adapt the premises according to your requirements.
  • We offer many variants of refreshments tailored to the customer.
  • Free parking on the hotel parking lot
  • Free WIFI



Plocha Uspořádání a počet osob*)
m2 m×m „I“ „U“ T D „O“
Velký sál 432 24×18 Vhodný pro rauty, taneční akce apod.
Restaurace 204 17×12 50 60 70 150
Kavárna 204 17×12 50 60 70 150
Salonek 1 84 14×6 30 46 40 120
Salonek 2 60 22
Salonek 3 50 10×5 22 40 32 63
Salonek 4 66 11×6 26 40 36 84
Salonek 5 66 11×6 26 50 40 81
Salonek 6 36 6×6 20
*) písmeno v uzozovkách označuje tvar uspořádání stolů; T = uspořádání „třída“, D = uspořádání „divadlo“